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About Song Submission

Hi. So, if you're wondering why I don't have a lot of music here on the archive, it's because... I don't have a lot of music here on the archive. Heh - this site's pretty new. So, if you've got something good that you want to put out there, or just have something that you want to share, post the song information in a comment here. If you don't wish to post the information in a comment here, you can also email me at I'll be sure to check both the comments as well as my email often. If I don't seem to see your song, talk to me about it here on this page or at the SunVox forums. Be sure that your song is 100% made in SunVox, as users need to download the project file (which should only be one).

Please ensure that any songs don't contain any racist, vulgar, sexually explicit, or otherwise inappropriate content (lyrics, title, description, or otherwise). If you submit a song that contains such content in the text, it will be edited. If the inappropriate content is present in the song, it will not be posted at all or will be pulled from the site (as long as I see it). Also, do not post comments that are inappropriate in any way. If a user of the archive sees or hears something objectionable, E-mail me and I'll check out the song. So, then. here's the format for song submission. Thanks!

Song Name
Artist Name
SunVox File Download Link

Songs that are posted here are under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Creative Commons license. For more information on the license, visit This license allows users to download songs to listen to, remix, and share noncommercially as long as any derived songs are under the same license. If a user wishes to put their song under a different license agreement, that can be indicated, though the license agreement obviously must allow for downloading of the source SunVox file for no charge.

It would be best if any uploaded songs have a single genre - this way, each song will only appear once on the archive. For example, you won't find a song under both the Electronic and Dramatic genres - only one of the two. If a song is labeled with several genres, the first one will be chosen as the main genre that the song appears under.

Another great thing about this archive is that people can easily both post comments on different songs, as well as rate the songs. This function allows for musicians to easily see what songs worked and which songs need work.